Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thing #15: Rollyo: Roll, Roll, Roll your own...

Well this is a very different take on the whole "search engine" concept, and it helps to narrow down searches to specific websites and resources and make it more personal. I'll bite. Often it timed out, so that was a problem-- but when I was able to get on I went to Explore Searchrolls and it brought up some featured lists, i.e. Searchrolls of Note, Most Popular, Recently Added, and High Rollers.

It did not explain what High Rollers were but by looking at the list, it appeared to be either by some "named" expert in the field, or some recent celebrity-type. Either way, I'm not sure I would trust it that much. C'mon... Online Shopping By: Debra Messing??? Okay, okay I FINALLY found the dictionary-definition some pages deep "top bloggers have all rolled custom search engines. You can be a High Roller too if your searchroll becomes popular with the Rollyo community. Think of it as our version of Star Search." EGAD!!!

No one knows what's become of Sam Harris either?? Find THAT on Rollyo!!!
Just to be sure and try it the way it was meant to be used, I looked under the Gluten-Free Search searchroll and did a search under the term recipes and though they did limit to VERY reputable sites, it came back with a search error.
Sorry, we encountered a temporary error
processing your search. Please try your search again, and if you continue to experience difficulties, please let us know.
I'll have to try again, but I'm already discouraged.* Why on earth would I waste the time to roll my own, when most of the time I just need to find what I need and move on? *(when I came back a second time to search, it did let me in but the searches were no more relevant that using Google or Yahoo even when I changed the search terms to "gluten-free recipes" within the Gluten-Free Searchroll!)

This might be more effective for an organization or group that needs to have their own ready-reference sites available for searching, or for larger libraries that break down their departments by subject but I don't see this as very useful for my needs. Maybe I'll revisit it for "collection development" later on, and grab an eggroll to snack on while I'm thinking about it. Now there's a "roll" I can get excited about... (no double entendres, no puns intended!) OMG! Even found 'em Gluten-Free, but on Flickr!?

Gluten Free Homemade Egg Rolls

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