Oh my thing a ling, my thing a ling
I wanna play with my Library thing a ling a ling
Well I signed up for an account here, but again this is another technology that I will have to take time to sit at the computer for and input my information. It seems like with all the time I'm spending with the technology, I will never see the light of day or a cruise ship! ARGGGHHHH... I can tell you I am not one of those who embraces technology when I am on the high seas. I leave it at home. One book I chose was fairly popular! http://www.librarything.com/work/book/42539963
I can however see the potential for creating booklists and groupings of books to be shared for particular tastes or recommendations. There are many times I am looking for the ultimate in "urban" fiction, and now I can just check here! I searched using the Tag info: urban fiction and found a nice beginning list.
I think it's fantastic to give to patrons who absolutely need a list of books they HAVE read, or want TO read, HOWEVER, and the BIG BUT here is that this is limited unless you purchase Library Thing's membership. A free account allows you to catalog up to 200 books. A paid account allows you to catalog any number of books. Paid personal accounts cost $10 for a year or $25 for a lifetime. It's reasonable, but I don't like limitations. This is why I stopped using Flickr. Our library will soon allow patrons to create their own profile from a "My Discoveries" module in our AquaBrowser catalog.
I may be able to use this to organize a collection of books I am responsible for purchasing at our library. It may be helpful to get feedback from others that don't work with me and get a different global perspective.
On a personal level I won't be taking the time to catalog my own collection of books at home.
Found the LibraryThing Local.
I did also create an account on Shelfari because I wanted to see if there were any major differences. Shelfari allows you to import your lists from other places listed like Amazon, Delicious Library or Goodreads and even Library Thing. I even added an actual bookshelf widget. How cool is that?
P.S. I just got through reading runnergirl's blog at 23 Beach Lane and I felt compelled to comment on her(?) Thing 13. This is a direct quote from her and I couldn't agree more.
"You know what it is -- I'm feeling overwhelmed by all that is available via the internet. So much of it seems like just one more thing to do, to know, to use instead of something else. What I have to remember is that by participating in 23Things, we are all being inundated with technology week after week for learning purposes only. It doesn't mean I personally have to use all this stuff; I just need to get acquainted with what's out there."