How ironic that just last week I was invited to a training on podcasts through and open source tool called Audacity. Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. The trainer, Paul Alford from the Citrus County Library System, not only taught us about what podcasts were, but showed us how to make and edit our own. It was very exciting, though in my position unlikely that I'll be the one actually creating podcasts for our library. I thought it was a little strange that he was so versed in the product and yet his own library system was not creating any podcasts at this time-- just teaching classes to the public.

Oh, the Audacity...
I watched the “Podcasting in Plain English” from the Common Craft Show and still find their videos the easiest to understand on most topics. I realize now that they use Thing 16-- YouTube to post and "promote" their downloadable videos. Thank you Common Craft.
I went to Podcast Alley and searched under "cruise." The results listed... We Found: 89 Results for "cruise." I tried to listen to CDATA[Hot Cruise Travel Deals, but could not get it to play. It was also not very up-to-date. Then I just sort of browsed through the Travel podcast and found a great one called The Mail Buoy. Bringing you news, tips and specials from the cruise line industry. Visit us at www.mycruiseplanner.info I just wish it gave the length of each podcast, so I knew how long I would be listening. From there I browsed around the site and listened briefly to some Top 10 Podcasts, and to some of the 5 Featured Podcasts.
They had a really great definition of What is a Podcast?
At Podcast.com it was too much work to have to try and sift through things. Despite the fact that they offer both audio and video, I was not allowed to just listen w/o downloading first or joining. I have already joined too many new THINGS for this project. I am putting the kibosh on that. I think it would just be easier to go to websites that I like and see if they have podcasts.
Looked at Gcast and thought, if my grandma could do it THAT would be a trick!!! She's been dead for 30 years.
FREE? Really? Aren't they all... as long as you can stand a little advertising on the side or some spam in your inbox? It did however lead me to GarageBand which I thought was a very cool site for up and coming musicians.
Having done a Google search under "podcast" I discovered, plenty of other websites, offering the same such services. For me it's like YouTube, only for your ears.
Podcast Pickle

"It is better to travel well than to arrive."--Buddha
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