I have never been one who has been military-minded, but this whole challenge has been sort of a test of our organizational skills. We've had to be more disciplined, (not unlike our soldiers) and set aside devoted time every chance we could to these 23 Things. Now all I have to say is, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... I'm actually seeing light at the end of this 23 Things challenge!
WOW! How cool is the Assignment Calculator? I wish I had something like that when I was in school. I feel so cheated sometimes, not having the internet, not having online classes, not having Web 2.0 back then. I guess this challenge sort of helps me make up a little for that "lost time."
Because I live in a college community and many of my patrons are college students, I'm sure this can be useful. I don't see it as the perfect organizer because it is limited by predetermined Subject areas of the assignment, but for those students who just don't know how to get started on their research, it looks FANTASTIC! The beta version looks promising too. If they ever get a keyword search capability it might be even better.
I am going to bookmark it as a favorite for sure. University of Minnesota Libraries also shares the Open Source Code for the calculator, so Kudos to them for being nice enough to share!
I didn't find the Research Project Calculator nearly as exciting, but I think it was more about the "process" than anything else. The teacher resources may be more useful, but our Youth Services staff tend to deal with teachers more so I doubt I'll be going back to this supplemental page unless I get a teacher/patron who needs some support material or planning advice.
Thanks for finding my little blog and leaving your comment! John (forestfomentation)